Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How to learn new words in English, test your vocabulary!

Let us discuss the ways to learn new world in English language. Basically, there may be two ways to learn the words. First, direct method, I mean you learn or confirm the sense of the word from the book of words i.e. dictionary. Second, Indirect method, I mean to say that there are many ways to learn new words. If you live in a country where English is used in day to day life as India, you may have many ways to learn new words every day. There are many ways: Newspapers, Magazines, TV channels, Radio programs, road side hoarding and boards etc. Sometimes, you can learn a new word from a running vehicle on the road, for example a car, bus or truck and so on, having some message or advertisement etc.

Now, let us try to understand which way is much better for learning new words. Both the ways are important and useful. It is basically depending on your society and especially, how much English is used in your country or region of the world.

Let me tell that in a country like India, indirect method is much better as India had been ruled by the British for around one hundred and fifty years. So, English is available in day to day life here. That is not the case of China like nations. Direct method is more useful in such countries. That’s why, people who stay in a region or nation where English is not found in day to day life they must focus on learning new words from Dictionary. And how to learn new words form the dictionary, we are going to discuss here some other day.
Learning new words is not very difficult, only the need is that you should be consistent, persistent and patient. How difficult or easy it may be for you to learn new words that are depending in which environment you stay in day to day life.

Simply, it can be said that words are learnt and forgotten by nature of our minds. They have to be revised many times. In a country like India, if you are fully alert for learning new words, you can easily improve your vocabulary and can keep on improving consistently by using indirect method. You can use direct method to confirm the sense of the repeated words. The method for learning from the dictionary, let us wait, someday we are to be discussing here soon.

So, in a country like India, you have to be fully alert in day to day life for learning new words. And in direct method, you need to use for confirming the sense of the old word of your vocabulary. In China like nations, direct method is much more suitable. People need to learn the word from the book of words I mean dictionary. Strategy should be made that they are to learn  a few words everyday without fail.

Where you live and how you improve your vocabulary, it is very important but one thing is confirm that you are considered strong or weak in a language by your word power. By your strong vocabulary, you are understood to be good in the language. Therefore, it is the need of everybody to keep on learning new words every day.

Today onwards, I have planned to write five good words to test and develop the vocabulary of my readers. I can’t write every possible meaning or sense of the words. But I would like to give at least one sense the way it is used in day to day life. Please, consult the dictionary for detailed learning of the senses, if you feel the need to learn in detail. Words are learnt and forgotten if they are not used., so that develop the habit of learning words everyday.

Test your vocabulary: five words of the day!
Disclaim – deny: to state publicly that you have no knowledge of something, or that you are not responsible for something.
Mess –untidy state: a dirty or untidy state, examples- The room was in a mess. The kids made a mess in the bathroom.
Merry – Cheery: happy and cheerful.
Noon- midday: 12 o’clock in the middle of the day.
Promote: to help something to happen or develop.

Wishing you good luck,
and I hope that I would continue to be with you everyday. aks

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